Who would be the audience for your media product?
What is a target audience?
A target audience is a group of people that a product is aimed for. This is important, because for a product to be successful and sell,it must meet the requirements of their target audience.
My issue of DEZAE follows the house style of red,black and white. These colours are both feminine and masculine which suggests that it aimed at both genders.
Primary Audience:
The primary audience for my product would be both males and females, despite my main image being a male, I have targeted to attract both genders through the content that I provide them with making sure that I include information that would interest them and hook them into my magazine. The age range of my magazine is teenagers up to young adults (13-18) as this is
what makes up the largest percentage of people that listen to Hip-Hop music and buy magazines. This has been proven by my questionnaire results.
Secondary Audience:
My secondary audience would be people that would not buy my magazine, but would read it when partners,friends or families purchase this product. I would aim for my media product to be at a demographic of those who are interested in popular music,celebrities and media in general. However, these may not be the people that would be reading my product as some people may just have access to it.
The socio-economic for my magazine would be people that fit into the category of E who are students and casual workers. The reason for this is because my magazine is aimed for teenagers.
For my music magazine the demographic for my product would be people that aspire to be like a celebrity. These are the mainstreamers who seek to better themselves by shopping in places with popular brands like- Topshop, Office, H&M.
This is an example of PAPER magazine which my product has been influenced by,this is similar to my magazine. Mainstreamers are the people would buy this product to better themselves.
I think my target audience will enjoy my product as I have used conventions which interest them. These results reflect the reasons why.
My first question was "What is your gender?"
My results showed that 8 out of the 10 were girls and the remaining 2 were males.
My second question was "How old are you?"
As seen in my results 3 people were aged 13-16 and 7 people were ages 17-18. From these results I decided to target my magazine to teenagers and young adults aged from 13-18.
My third question was "Do you buy magazines?"
My results showed that 5 people said 'Yes' and the remaining 5 said 'No'.
My fourth question was following the previous question. Through these results, I came to the conclusion that people are most interested in music magazines and celebrities. This helped me for my magazine as it allowed me attract their attention.
My fifth question was "How much would you be willing to pay for a magazine?"
My results showed that 4 people said they would be willing to pay from 99p to £2. Five people would be willing to pay £3-£4 and one person would be willing to pay £4-£5. Through these results, I decided to sell my magazine for £2.50 which would attract enough people as well as I would provide them high quality data.
My sixth question was "What music genre do you prefer?"
As seen in my results, hip-hop music had the highest votes followed by the specify option. I came to the conclusion of choosing hip-hop as my genre as I was aware that it attracts a mass audience.
My seventh question was "Do you only buy magazines that are stereotypically for your gender?
2 people said no, 2 said yes, and 6 said they do not mind. Through these results, I decided to aim my magazine at both males and females but with content that would appeal to both genders.
My eighth question was "In a music magazine, what topics are you interested in?"
6 people said that they were most interested in interviews, 1 said in quizzes and 4 in exclusives. This helped me when planning my double page spread as I made sure to include an interview as I understood the consumers interest.
My ninth question was "Who are your three favourite music artists?"
Most results were based on hip-hop and R&B celebrities which helped me as I was aware of what content to include in my magazine to appeal to a mass audience.
My last question was "How often do you buy a magazine in a month?(If you don't buy any in a month state how many in a year)
My results showed that most people bought a magazine once a year or maximum three times a year. Through these results, I decided to make my magazine affordable to make sure people were not purchasing magazines because of the price.
Excellent tables showing data and findings some reflections on how this impacted your magazine designs
ReplyDeleteThank you Miss.