Thursday, 23 February 2017


This is my final screenshot of my front cover.

 The main image is conventionally located in the centre as it is the first thing the audience see, along with the mast head. (DEZAE). The strap line is the second largest font which has been done to tell the audience what the main feature is going to be about. The dark separating bold lines have been influenced by real media products, this adds emphasis on each head line separately as well as suits the genre of my magazine which is hip-hop.  The house style, and persistent colour scheme of red,black, white has been maintained throughout to create a professional finish, as well as attract my target audience- both males and females. By having varies of fonts it follows the conventions of real media products. It is an effective way of highlighting information which the audience would want to read about, just because of the size, colour, thickness and positioning.  The conventional bar code, date and website has also been provided with to let the target audience have access to their website, know the price of the magazine and the date it was released.
The mise en scene of my cover star blowing shisha smoke appeals to my target audience as it a convention which is popular among the age of my target audience. 

This screenshot of my final contents page continues the house style and colour scheme of my chosen colours as mentioned above. This was done to maintain the professional, neat look. Conventionally I located "CONTENTS" at the top as it is the heading that the audience will recognise immediately. The mast head "DEZAE" is unconventionally anchored behind my body text as a shadow, this is an effective way as it does not take up space and is visible. The two images are  used to not tire the audience with just text, as well as give them a teaser about the features that will be mentioned. The information I provided them with is information which has gone viral and will surely interest them ensuring they would want to find out more. Also, as my magazines genre is hip-hop,most information given is based around that genre but also other genres to widen their music knowledge and gossip.

This is the screenshot of my finished double page.

 The main image is located on the right page and the interview on the left. The reason for this positioning is because we read from left to right. The gutter in between my  three columns of my text is used to not tire my audience. The purpose of the body text being an interview instead of an article is due to my questionnaire results which reflected that a big group of people are mostly interested in interviews. Although this page does not follow the colour scheme, the font colour is the same colour as the costume of my cover star. The pull quote is also written in the same colour to "pull" the attention of the audience.

I think my magazine is conventional to the genre of Hip Hop due to the use of my codes and conventions. By planning and researching different genre magazines, I became more confident in understanding the importance of my product appealing to my target audience. As my target audience is unisex teenagers, I have made sure to include content which would appeal to both, such as the mise en, the interview, the colours and so on.

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